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Chindex Company Overview
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Chindex International, Inc.


General Profile

Chindex International, Inc. (Chindex)* is a leading American company in the healthcare sectors of the Chinese marketplace, including Hong Kong and Macau. Founded in 1981, the Company has accumulated unique executive management expertise in China trade and a dominant competitive position in its healthcare market sectors.

Chindex is an American public company traded on the NASDAQ stock exchange. It is a New York corporation with company headquarters located in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. Chindex has over 200 full-time employees worldwide, more than 180 of whom reside in China and Hong Kong. In China, Chindex operates three representative offices, three subsidiary companies, and two joint ventures.

The Company�s business activities are conducted in China including Hong Kong and Macau. Revenues are generated from the sale of healthcare products and the provision of healthcare services. On the basis of exclusive agreements, Chindex markets, sells, and facilitates the export of select capital healthcare equipment and instrumentation to China. It is the largest independent U.S. distributor of healthcare equipment in China. Through a network of wholly foreign-owned subsidiaries, the Company�s Products Distribution business imports and distributes off-the-shelf healthcare instrumentation and consumable products. Healthcare services revenue is generated through the Company�s private hospital, Beijing United Family Hospital.

The Chindex growth plan includes continuing expansion of the capital medical equipment and instrumentation business, rapid expansion of the Products Distribution product portfolio, with an emphasis on increasing the number and variety of products that are sold directly to retail pharmacies, and the development of a network of private family hospitals, based on the Beijing United Family Hospital model, to serve China�s growing middle class.

* U.S.-China Industrial Exchange, Inc. has long been known as "Chindex," its original telex address acronym from the early 1980s. Beginning in 1998, the Company formally began doing business as Chindex International, Inc., although its legal name remains U.S.-China Industrial Exchange, Inc.

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